Deashi Harai Forward Foot Sweep
Deashi Harai Forward Foot Sweep is one of the original 40 throws of Judo as developed by Jigoro Kano. It belongs to the first group, Dai-Ikkyo, of the traditional throwing list, Gokyo no Nagewaza, of Kodokan Judo. Deashi Harai is also part of the current 67 Throws of Kodokan Judo. It is classified as a foot Ashi-Waza.
Here is a video compilation of Deashi Harai Forward Foot Sweep in action!
Deashi Harai Forward Foot Sweep is one of the basic foot sweeps learned in the martial arts. As with most basic techniques, Deashi Harai has more variations than can be described.
Deashi Harai Forward Foot Sweep explained
Deashi Harai Forward Foot Sweep KUZUSHI
From a right natural posture take a large step backward with your right foot, moving your whole body and not just your leg. Pull Uke in the same direction with your right hand on his left lapel, making him advance his left foot in a longer-than-usual step. The pull should be light and steady and slightly upward. Don’t pull Uke downward but slightly lift him as you pull.
Deashi Harai TSUKURI
Lighten the grip of your right hand – but do not let go – and pull Uke inward with your left hand at his right outer sleeve. (This should cause him to advance his right foot towards his left, with a tendency for the right to cross in front of the left.) At the instant his advancing right foot is about to reach the mat, but before his weight comes down on it, use your left foot to sweep his right foot in the direction of it’s movement. (The timing of this sweep is also applicable to a retreating foot as well as an advancing one.)
Deashi Harai KAKE
You should sweep the region at or below the ankle of his advancing foot, in the direction of his toes, and synchronize your sweep with a strong down and in pull with your left hand. Both of your hands work in unison as if you were turning an automobile steering wheel into a strong left turn.
The sweeping action should be done in either the direction of the toes or from the outside towards to inside of the foot. The foot can be swept while Uke is either retreating or advancing, the principal is the same; catch the foot just before and or just after it is in contact with the mat.
At the moment of his fall hold firm on Uke’s right sleeve with your left hand, making his fall easier. Uke will fall as if slipping on a banana peel or slipping on ice. Uke will land in front of you approximately where you started your technique or a little behind.