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kime no kata

Kime no kata

Kime no kata Forms of Decisive techniques

Kodokan institute developed kime no kata around 1888. The kata is composed out of 8 idori techniques and 12 techniques from a standing position (tachi waza).  Both sets of techniques contains defenses for armed and empty-handed attacks.

Idori (kneeling techniques)
Against unarmed attacks
  • Ryote dori – two hand hold
  • Tsukkake – stomach punch
  • Suri age – thrust at forehead
  • Yoko uchi – blow at left temple
  • Ushiro dori – shoulder grab from behind
Against armed attacks
  • Tsukkomi – dagger thrust at stomach
  • Kiri komi – downward thrust at head with dagger
  • Yoko tsuki – side thrust with a dagger
Tachiai (standing techniques)
Against unarmed attacks
  • Ryote dori – two hand hold
  • Sode dori – sleeve seizure from side
  • Tsukakke – straight strike to face
  • Tsuki age – upper cut
  • Suri age – thrust at forehead
  • Yoko uchi – blow at left temple
  • Keage – groin kick
  • Ushiro dori – shoulder grab from behind
Against armed attacks
  • Tsukkomi – dagger thrust at stomach
  • Kiri komi – downward thrust at head with dagger
  • Nuki kake – sword unsheathing
  • Kiri oroshi – straight cut down with a sword


Kime no kata instructional video.


More on Kime no kata on JudoInfo.com
And a link to Kodokan institute textbook 

Kime no kata | Forms of Decisive techniques | Judo Stuff & Pics
Article Name
Kime no kata | Forms of Decisive techniques | Judo Stuff & Pics
Kodokan institute developed kime no kata around 1888. The kata is composed out of 8 idori techniques and 12 techniques from a standing position. 
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Judo Stuff & Pics
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