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Judo Kata Jigoro Kano

Judo kata

What is a Judo Kata?

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Judo kata is one of two principal ways of practicing judo. Word kata translates to “Way of doing” . The judo kata involve two participants. Kata contains forms of judo, ways of practicing judo and  includes punches, kicks, and the use of the katana and other weapons, which are forbidden in competition or randori.


Judo kata Jigoro Kano


Jigoro Kano created  Judo katas in late 19th century. Katas main purposes are to display basic principles of judo, demonstrate proper execution of a technique, to teach philosophical in addition to preserving ancient techniques that are historical important to development of judo and are no longer being used.



1. Nage-no-Kata (Forms of Throwing)

Nage no kata, translated as “Forms of throwing”, is a judo kata and it represents forms of throwing from all 5 categories Te-waza, Koshi-waza, Ashi-waza, Ma-sutemi-waza and Yoko-sutemi-waza.

2. Katame-no-Kata (Forms of Grappling or Holding)

Katame no kata or “Forms of grappling ” is a kata that represents forms from Osaekomi-waza, Shime-waza and Kansetsu-waza.

3. Kime-no-Kata (Forms of Decisive techniques)

Kime no kata also known as “Forms of decisive tehniques” is representing a set of techniques for “combat environment” and contains 8 kneeling (idori) and 12 standing ( Tachiai ) techniques.

4. Ju-no-Kata (Forms of Gentleness & Flexibility)

Ju no kata is an delightful gymnastic expression of attack and defense  methods presented as series of slow and moderate actions. It is represented in three sets in short Dai-ikkyo (Set 1), Dai-nikyo (Set 2) and Dai-sankyo (Set 3).

5. Kodokan Goshin-jutsu (Forms of Kodokan Self-Defense)

Kodokan Goshin-jutsu represents a form of judo self defense displayed in two sections unarmed one in addition to armed one.

6. Itsutsu-no-Kata (Forms of “Five”)

Itsutsu no kata consists of five sequences  of  movements and artistically represents power of mother nature.

7. Koshiki-no-Kata (Forms of Classics)

Kano Shihan highly evaluated the forms of Kito-ryu Jujutsu as they represent the essence of attack and defense. Therefore, he left the forms as Kodokan Koshiki-no-Kata, with little changes. It consists of 14 Omote (front) techniques and 7 Ura (back) techniques.

8. Seiryoku-Zenyo-Kokumin-Taiiku (Forms of Maximum- Efficiency National physical education)

It contains both aspects of physical education and martial arts and has forms of attack and defense. It consists of 8 movements of Tandoku-renshu (Solo practice) and 9 movements of Sotai-renshu (Duo practice).

In the final analysis  judo kata is a beautiful to watch, hard to perform and highly rewarding once mastered both   physically and mentally.


More on judo kata

Kodokan Judo Institute.



Judo Kata | Selection of Kodokan judo institute katas | Judo stuff & pics
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Judo Kata | Selection of Kodokan judo institute katas | Judo stuff & pics
Judo kata one of principal two ways of practicing judo, kodokan institute lists eight katas: Nage no kata, Katame no kata, Kime no kata...
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